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You searched for: Tag: Ayumi Hamasaki
    berries7cinnamon  37, Female, Singapore - 20 entries
Nov 2007
5:43 AM EDT

I was watching Ayumi's count down concert 2005-2006 and it was great. The first count down video that I watched was 2006-2007. It came with A-Best.

How I gotten the count down concert 2005-2006VCD was pure luck. I passed by this CD shop that has Ayumi's poster for her latest album - Secret.
Because she has 3 new albums that came out together, so I didn't know which one to get. In the end I decided to get A-Best White. I walked into the cd shop wondering if that cd shop still has ayumi's 'Secret' even after I had purchased A-Best White a few weeks before that, somehow I just didn't want to miss it, or there's a feeling of regret for missing it.
That CD shop was all sold out of her latest album and that's when I spotted the VCD.

Most probably Ayumi is now busy with her concert rehearsal for her count down party. Maybe she's already started the preparation a few months ago.
Actually, this year she just had her Asia concert tour, so I'm not sure if there's gonna be a count down party. She's so busy this year.

Also, there's this rumour that I heard from people around me that Ayumi had gotten infected with HIV.
I don't think it's true because there's no report or even any article that I could find online saying anything about this. And I seriously hope it isn't true because... She's always trying her very best in her area of work and she's given so much. I wish she would be happy; blissful. I... admire her seriousness and giving all she's got.
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